Keeping your home organized while having children can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. It might feel like kids are constantly undoing any progress that you make or that it's not even worth trying to organize. We're here to tell you that it doesn't have to be that way!
Children naturally love to be involved in whatever you're doing, so why not teach them how to organize! Follow these 5 simple tips on how to get your kids involved in organizing and how to have fun while doing it!
Tip #1: Use Cubbies
Cubbies are a kid-friendly storage solution where they can easily reach what they need and learn how to categorize and separate. Using and labeling cubbies can teach kids that all of their items have a specific home, making it easier for them to locate toys and put them away once they're finished. Cubby storage also prevents overcrowding by having shallow, sectioned off storage, so everything is visible and nothing is lost to deep bins or closed drawers.
Another great benefit to cubbies is that they are customizable so you can have open storage or or choose baskets for a more clean look to match the room or align with your child’s favorite color! Here are some cubby inspiration pics we love:
Tip #2: Quality Over Quantity
It is always easier to manage fewer possessions, especially when it comes to all of the toys/games/costumes/supplies that your kid’s accumulate over the years. We always recommend getting rid of any excess items before you start organizing so that you can maximize your space. Less is more when it comes to children’s toys so they can easily manage their belongings and appreciate what they have.
I know what you’re thinking– kids get bored easily, how am I supposed to keep them entertained with just a few toys and games? Consider a toy rotation!
A toy rotation is when you only have a small group of toys out at a time while the rest of them go in temporary storage. Then, every few weeks you can replace the active toys with those that have been in storage! This is a great way to cut down on clutter without actually getting rid of your kids favorite toys. Toy rotations create more interest in your child’s toys so they don’t get bored as easily or demand new toys as quickly.
Tip #3: Label
We’ve mentioned this already but labels will be your best friend for getting your kid’s involved in organizing and setting up expectations.
Labeling cubbies or other storage bins can help kids quickly find what they’re looking for without making a mess searching for an item. Labeling also makes cleaning up much easier when they understand where exactly an item needs to go. Labeled bins give clear expectations for the child of where and how their items can be stored. It can also give them a sense of autonomy and ownership because they know exactly what to do even when you’re not in the room!
Labels can be successful with children of all ages! If you have younger kids, consider making the pictures labels instead of text so they can begin to match items up and understand the foundation of organizing.
Tip #4: Frequently Purge
They grow up so fast! Make sure that you and your child are regularly going through their playrooms and closets to make sure that all of their clothes still fit and that their toys are age-appropriate and still in use.
A good way to do this is by creating a year-round de-cluttering schedule. This will help you avoid building up excess possessions that can cause you and your child to become overwhelmed. Purging seasonally before holidays and birthdays when children are gifted new items will help to ensure that there is always room for new things and valuable space isn’t being wasted on dingy or outgrown items.
Tip #5: Teach Them
The most important tip for organizing with children is to teach them! Organizing should be just like any other skill you want to instill in your children. Teaching them how to organize their own spaces can make organizing feel like a team effort instead of feeling like it’s always up to you.
While some might be naturals, most will have to be taught how to organize and clean up after themselves. The key here is to start as early as possible so that it can become a habit. It’s also important to make it fun so they associate organizing as a positive experience! Here are some of our favorite ways to do this:
Play happy music! – Sing and dance while you organize to make it a fun bonding experience for the whole family. Seeing you have fun while organizing will show your children that organizing can be a fun and happy experience as opposed to a stressful chore.
Make it a race! – Kids love a good competition so ask them to see how many items they can find and put away in a certain amount of time.
Create a scavenger hunt! – You can do this by making a list of items they need to find and put away, with a prize attached to each item OR you can have them de-clutter one area at a time in exchange for a clue that leads them around the house for a big treasure at the end!
Reward their hard work! – Positive reinforcement is your best tool when it comes to making organizing a long-term habit, so show them you appreciate them with a fun treat or activity!
Following these simple tips will help turn your kid’s clutter into manageable organizational systems and valuable life skills for your children.
Looking for more ways to build organizational skills at home? Check out some of these games: